Monday, May 9, 2011

Reasonable Expectations

We’re seeing a trend in American Christianity which, though not new, begins to become more the norm and less the anomaly.  You’ve heard it before, or something similar. 

“I believe there are many paths to God, and Jesus is one of them.”
Or maybe something like “The Bible is so old, we don’t know what’s true and what’s just stories.”

I have to tell you, statements like these rankle me, they boil my blood.  Not because they go against my own beliefs, though.  I am not so naive to expect everyone to agree with my beliefs.  What irks me most about statements like these is that they show a clear lack of thought.  The people making them have neither thought through their beliefs to see if they are rational, nor done any fact finding to back up their claims.  If you look into them, both of my examples have serious flaws in them!
It's not just the unchurched that are making statements like this, either.  I daresay that if you took a poll of the beliefs of those in your church, you would find phrases like these flowing from the mouths of some of your oldest, most respected members.  At best, those who disagreed with them could not tell you why they are untrue.

Now, I’m not going to take the time to answer those two heretical statements here.  And though many a finger could be pointed, that’s not my goal on Iron Sharpens Iron.  My goal is to get us to take a closer look at our own lives, our own walks, and improve them.  So I’m not going to give you the answers, and I’m not going to blame someone else.  I’m going to challenge YOU to find the answers.  Study your Bible, read some Christian authors (We’ll talk about some of those next time).  Discuss issues like these with your pastor, with the elders in your church.  And don’t let them (or yourself) off easy.  You and I need to know why we say what we say.  I will leave you to think about this with Peter’s instructions in his second letter to the church:

“[A]lways be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” 2 Peter 3:15

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